Around the parish of Canillo

> Circular route in the Parish of Canillo

As this is a circular route, you can start and finish at any part of it. However, the best places to begin are in the villages of Canillo or Soldeu.

It is accessible to everyone, but if you want to do the whole route, you need to be in good physical form, understand how to get about on the mountain and carry a map or compass. This route can be done in various stages and you can start and adapt your expedition as suits you best.

At Canillo: Santa Creu bridge
At Soldeu: the old part of the village (beside the pub Fat Albert’s)

GPS coordinates:
At Canillo: 42º33.922N–001º35.976E
At Soldeu: 42º33.922N–001º40.013E

Distance: 33 km
Time: 8-12 h (circular)
Change in level: 554 m
Difficulty: high
Max-min altitude: 2,000 m–1,446 m